IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium
12–16 May 2025 // Honolulu, HI, USA


About NOMS

The  IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium ( NOMS) has been influential symposium series since 1998, focusing on the crucial role of service and network operations and management in global communications and information networking. As the premier event in our field, NOMS continues its legacy as a highly regarded symposium sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society and IFIP Working Group 6.6 on Network Management.

About ComSoc

The IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) is a leading global community comprised of a diverse set of professionals with a common interest in advancing all communications and networking technologies. The Society has over 27,000 members in more than 142 countries. IEEE ComSoc is paving the way for strategic and technical advancements in the emerging areas of 5G, SDN, IoT, Fog Computing, Big Data, Green ICT, fiber optics and more. In addition to impactful one-day events and workshops, the Society holds numerous conferences and offers educational opportunities including the IEEE WCET certification program and IEEE ComSoc Training. For information, go to

About IEEE

The IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.) is the world’s largest technical professional society. Through its more than 400,000 members in 150 countries, the organization is a leading authority on a wide variety of areas ranging from aerospace systems, computers and telecommunications to biomedical engineering, electric power, and consumer electronics. Dedicated to the advancement of technology, the IEEE publishes 30 percent of the world’s literature in the electrical and electronics engineering and computer science fields, and has developed nearly 900 active industry standards. The organization annually sponsors more than 850 conferences worldwide. Learn more at

History of NOMS/IM - Dates & Locations

NOMS 2024    May 6-10, Seoul, South Korea        

NOMS 2023    May 8-12, Miami, USA            

NOMS 2022    April 25-29, Budapest, Hungary

IM 2021         17-21 May, Bordeaux, France

NOMS 2020    20-24 April, Budapest, Hungary

IM 2019         8-12 April, Washington DC, USA

NOMS 2018    23-27 April, Taipei, Taiwan    

IM 2017         8-12 May, Lisbon, Portugal 

NOMS 2016    25-29 April, Istanbul, Turkey

IM 2015         11-15 May, Ottawa, Canada

NOMS 2014    5-9 May, Krakow, Poland       

IM 2013         27-31 May, Ghent, Belgium

NOMS 2012    16-20 April, Maui, Hawaii USA

IM 2011          23-27 May, Dublin, Ireland    

NOMS 2010    19-23 April, Osaka, Japan     

IM 2009         1-5 June, Long Island, NY, USA

NOMS 2008    7–11 April, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil

IM 2007         21-25 May, Munich, Germany

NOMS 2006    3-7 April, Vancouver, Canada

IM 2005         15-19 May, Nice France

NOMS 2004    19-23 April, Seoul, Korea

IM 2003         24-28 March, Colorado Spring, USA

NOMS 2002    15-19 April, Florence, Italy

IM 2001         14-18 May, Seattle, USA

NOMS 2000    10-14 April, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

IM 1999         24-28 May, Boston, USA

NOMS 1998    15-20 Feb., New Orleans, LA, USA

IM 1997         12-16 May, San Diego, USA

NOMS 1996    15-19 April, Kyoto, Japan

ISINM 1995     1-5 May, Santa Barbara, USA

NOMS 1994    14-17 February, Orlando, FL, USA

ISINM 1993     18-24 April, San Francisco, USA

NOMS 1992    14-17 February, Memphis, TN, USA

ISINM 1991     13-17 May, Seattle, Washington, USA

NOMS 1990    11-14 February, San Diego, USA

ISINM 1989     22-26 May, Boston, USA

NOMS 1988    28 Feb.-2 Mar., New Orleans, USA
